Individual Student Centered Projects
Each young person is challenged with producing their own projects, that includes record keeping, surveys, bumble bee conservation, the RSBP 'Big Garden Bird Watch', hedgehog conservation, data collection, soil science and many more
Building the Pen for the Micro Pigs
Young people designed and constructed the pig pen with great consideration for the welfare and safety of the micro pigs.
Animal Management
On a daily basis, young people learn about the responsibility of caring for animals, where they originate from, their habits, their preferred natural habitats and how family groups interact with each other in the wild and captivity.
Working with birds and Lantra training that includes weighing, feeding, equipment, furniture, husbandry, handling and flying skills
Building the Shelter for the Ferrets and Rabbits
Following complex manufacturer instructions, young people built the shelter that houses the ferrets and rabbits. They also designed and made the animal pens.
Growing our first crops
Young people grow and tend a variety of crops and shrubs in the raised beds at the center.
Building the Hen House
Young people designed and built the hen house totally from scratch. They have to feed and look after the chickens, collecting their eggs for a variety of uses at the center.